S3E20 – Helping clients live their passion and fulfil their mission in the world ft Marguerite Engelbrecht
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S3E20 – Helping clients live their passion and fulfil their mission in the world ft Marguerite Engelbrecht

Marguerite Engelbrecht is a Lifestyle Financial Planner and Financial Coach at MyJourney2Freedom and her story is one of inspiration and a stark reminder.

S3E19 – Building trust and creating value that unlocks opportunity ft Tim Vieyra
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S3E19 – Building trust and creating value that unlocks opportunity ft Tim Vieyra

Francois du Toit talks with the co-founder and CEO of Comotion Business Solutions and Seed Analytics, Tim Vieyra about the challenge of data and reporting on investments, the importance of solving the problem, and the trust and value that is created in the process.

S3E15 – Being an early adopter and exploring the new digital frontier ft. Kobus Kleyn
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S3E15 – Being an early adopter and exploring the new digital frontier ft. Kobus Kleyn

Kobus Kleyn is at the forefront of adopting the new way of working and embracing the new opportunities it brings for both his clients and his practice. Join Francois du Toit and Kobus Kleyn as they discuss this new world and how to approach and embrace what is at our doorstep.