Navigating the Path to Financial Success: The Art of Strategy Planning in Financial Planning

Navigating the Path to Financial Success: The Art of Strategy Planning in Financial Planning

Financial planning is a dynamic process that requires careful strategizing to achieve long-term financial success. Strategy planning forms the foundation of effective financial planning, helping individuals and businesses set clear objectives, allocate resources, and make informed decisions. 

We will explore the importance of strategy planning in financial planning and outline key considerations for developing a robust financial strategy.

How to Turn Your Clients into Advocates and Receive Introductions to Grow Your Financial Planning Business
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How to Turn Your Clients into Advocates and Receive Introductions to Grow Your Financial Planning Business

Do you want to grow your financial planning business by getting more referrals from your clients? In this article, you will learn how to turn your clients into advocates who will introduce you to their network and help you attract more prospects. You will also discover the benefits of client advocacy, the best practices for client engagement, and the strategies for relationship building.

Ep. 10 – New financial planning software in South Africa that enhances client engagement with Kirsty du Toit
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Ep. 10 – New financial planning software in South Africa that enhances client engagement with Kirsty du Toit

This is our tenth episode, but the first episode dedicated to talking about technology for financial advisors and planners.  Kirsty du Toit, CFP® together with Bennie Gouws, CFP®, Gary Winslow, CFP®, and Jonathan Brummer, CFA, CFP® recently started Work.That.Matters. Their entire purpose is to help financial advisors have better conversations with clients.  Essentially, they are…

The thing our businesses do every day that ruins our reputations (and what to do about it)

The thing our businesses do every day that ruins our reputations (and what to do about it)

Working with, and having contact with, many financial advisers and their practices each week, I started noticing an alarming trend. Then I started noticing the exact same trend with businesses in completely unrelated industries as well. I became very aware of this and the impact it has on my perception of these businesses and even…